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Irish History & Family Archives

The High Kingship of Ireland: Origins, Powers, and the Seat at Tara

The concept of a High King – a single ruler holding sway over multiple territories – is not unique to Ireland. However, the institution of the High Kingship of Ireland, its associated traditions, and its iconic seat at Tara make it a distinctive part of Irish history. Delving into its origins, the extent of its power, and its association with Tara provides insights...

The Integration of Vikings into Irish Society: Trade, Intermarriage, and Cultural Exchange

The Vikings, initially known for their fearsome raids, soon became an integral part of Irish society. Over time, their relationship with the native Irish transitioned from conflict to cooperation, laying the foundation for a rich tapestry of cultural, economic, and social exchanges. The Initial Viking Raids and the Shift to Settlement Early Raids on Irish Shores The...

The Celts in Ireland: Origins, Culture, and Society

The Celts, a group of tribal societies, left a resounding imprint on Ireland’s cultural landscape. With their arrival, they introduced unique artistry, language, and societal frameworks. Tracing their origins and delving into their societal makeup offers a deep understanding of their influence on Ireland. The Arrival: When Did the Celts Come to Ireland? Determining...

500BC-400AD The Iron Age in Ireland: Hillforts, Art, and the Arrival of the Celts

Following the Bronze Age, Ireland embarked on a new epoch known as the Iron Age, beginning around 500 BC. This era, distinguished by its dominant use of iron for tools and weapons, heralded significant societal, architectural, and cultural advancements. Most notably, the Iron Age marked the arrival of the Celts, leaving an indelible mark on Ireland’s history...