“RATHMULLEN, a small sea-port, in the parish of KILLYGARVAN, barony of KILMACRENAN, county of DONEGAL, and province of ULSTER, 5 miles (N.) from Ramelton: the population is returned with the parish. It is situated on the western shore of Lough Swilly, and consists of one main street: it has a penny post to Ramelton, and is both a constabulary police and coastguard station, the latter being included in the district of Dunfanaghy: petty sessions are held here. There are some remains of a religious house built by Mac Swine Fanagh, for Carmelites or White friars, and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin; also of a castle, said to have been built by him, which was destroyed at the time of the Reformation, but afterwards rebuilt by Bishop Knox. Part of this castle was for some time used as the parish church, previous to the erection of the present edifice.”
A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837)